Archive for December, 2011

The New Years 2012

Wednesday, December 28th, 2011

Hey Cupcake Fans,


The New Year is coming upon us quick and we have a lot to share.

First: A Cookie and A Cupcake will be closed the first week of January. We will re-open January 10th, 2012 with our normal hours of operation. If you already have an order scheduled for this week, no worries we will arrange a delivery or pick up for you. If you would like an order for this week, we are limited to orders greater than 250.00. Thank you again for your patience for we are doing small changes to upgrade our cupcake shop.

Second: We have had a lot of fun during this Holiday season, but we are not done yet. Look for our New Year’s Eve Cupcake as the flavor of the day. A Champagne flavored cupcake topped with a little sparkle. With an order of 6 you can bring these to your New Year’s Eve party.

Third: We have a few announcements. We are currently displaying a Letterboxing stamp in our shop. What is letterboxing? Well, there is a great community out there of scavenger hunters. They find clues on different sites,, on where to go and then collect the stamp from that destination in a scrapbook. In addition to collecting stamps they have created their own personal stamp and leave their signature in a scrapbook we keep in our shop. Our new friend Eric Schroyer made our letterboxing stamp and gave us our own Letterboxing lesson. This activity is not only great for families on a rainy day, but it is fun for discovering new hidden gems in Cleveland.

Also A Cookie and A Cupcake will be working on our flavors of the day. What we need from you are what your favorite flavors or combination of flavors you would like. So….like us on facebook and then place your favorite flavors….keep checking and yours maybe the flavor of the day.

Finally: It is consultation season, We are currently booking fast for wedding and special occasion consultations. Please call 216.344.9433 to schedule your free consultation Tuesday Thur Saturday 11:30am - 6pm. Generally plan for a half hour and don’t forget to bring any inspiration material with you. If you have questions in the meantime, look under the FAQ section of our website, for some general information.

I would not leave you with out a few pictures.


2173 Professor Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44113 216-344-9433